No beating around
the bush, The Lego Movie is a very fun, very funny movie. I went to a
screening on opening night – one of only a few times I have done
so. Why rush out to see a movie like this? Because to me, The Lego
Movie is one of a select group of movies that are hilarious, pure
fun. It was obvious from the promotional material that this movie
would be really fun – and it delivers on that promise.

was a new logo tacked on the front of the movie: WAG “Warner
Animation Group”. It was a cool design for a logo and one I hadn't
seen before. Perhaps this indicates a renewed focus on animation for
Warner Bros. That would be a welcome trend, if the
Lego Movie is anything to go by.
Let me go a bit
deeper. There are two things I don't like about some family movies.
Case study #1:
the Madagascar syndrome. These are the problems with the Madagascar
movies: The humour is too crazy and too quick. I need time to think
between jokes. This was the case x 1000 with the Spongebob movie
which I had the burden of seeing at a school once. And the Madagascar
movies are not one big story like Lord of the Rings or Star Wars.
They are too episodic for my liking.
Case Study #2:
Kinda Happy Feet. So, Happy Feet was animated by the same studio as
The Lego Movie, Aussie group Animal Logic. But I have a feeling that
The Lego Movie was written in Hollywood by different people than
Happy Feet. Anyway, The villains in Happy Feet were the elders of the
penguin community, of whom the spokesperson was a grizzly old male
penguin. The thing I didn't like was that he used religious jargon
and all of it was used negatively. I didn't appreciate words I was
familiar with through my faith being used in that way. That is was
ruined the film for me. That and the egotistic artistry and mostly
un-engaging storyline.
So I like to
avoid movies I think will fall in the areas of crazy-random-empty to
serious-miguided-empty. To me, The Lego Movie was fun, family
friendly and hilarious! I wasn't the only audience member laughing
their socks off in the theatre. I had to pick all the socks up when
the lights came up :P
By Jonathan